Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
Who we are …
The Parent Advisory Committee is a group of parents with children with special needs in one or more areas, typically receiving services from or in coordination with the Hillsdale County Intermediate School District (HCISD). We represent the eight local school districts, two public school academies, and the Hillsdale ISD programs in Hillsdale County.
What we do …
As Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) members, we advise the ISD School Board on matters relating to special education programs and services. We also take an active role in the development of the Hillsdale County ISD Special Education Plan, a document which describes the delivery of special education in Hillsdale County.
Members are recommended by their local school districts for appointment by the Hillsdale ISD School Board. Care is given in this process to assure that, to the extent possible, the PAC membership also represents the various impairments of students enrolled in special education in Hillsdale County.
PAC members stay informed about plans, changes and current trends in special education in Hillsdale County and the State of Michigan through hosting speakers from county and state-wide programs and agencies, and tours of ISD programs.
Questions regarding our organization may be directed to any committee member. Each member is willing to help you become more aware of the services available to you and your child. PAC members are available to assist parents in understanding the special education process and the IEP process.
For the name of your local PAC member, please call the Hillsdale County Intermediate School District at 517-437-0990 ext. 105 or see the Members page to your left. You are welcome to attend any PAC meeting. The dates and times of the current meetings can be found on our page or by calling the ISD at the number listed.